Saturday, April 14, 2012


A 5 Day Old Baby Chick

A 5 Day Old Baby Chick

A 5 Day Old Baby Chick

The Baby Chick

The Chicks Huddled in the corner for warmth

Hey guys! Aren't these chick the cutest FRIKIN THINGS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN?? Well, I got to hold them ALL FRIKIN DAY! MWHAHA you're jealous. I can just feel it in my veins. Well, today, I went to volunteer at the Youth Expo in Costa Mesa in Southern California, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever experienced because the little kids were so ADOREABLE! You'll should come check it out!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Testing with Textures

Micro-Shot of my Jeans

Close-Up shot of the wrinkles of my foot

Close -up of my wallet

Close-up of the sleeve of my jacket.

Close-Up of the back of my camera case

Close-Up of the Front of my camera case

Micro-Shot of the carpet

Close-Up of my boxers. -___-

Flood in SoCal!!!

Today, we had a rainstorm along with a couple of loud thunders. All of a sudden, the rain began to pour down like FRIKIN CRAZY!!!! I thought the rain was never gonna stop. After 5 minutes of vigorous rain, the water began to get close up to my mom's car. This was one of the scariest storm I have ever been in. I'm a SoCal kid, so I haven't been in a lot of storms, so this is scary for me. Hope the people on the East Cost are having better weather and are safe. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Steak+Sausages= BEST LUNCH

After I gor home from my 3 hour volunteer experience, I was tired and hungry like a big boy. So, my dad decided to reward me with a DELICIOUS meal of steak, sausages, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and carrots. IT WAS FRIKIN DELICIOUS!!!!!!!! I took this photo to show you guys the beauty it possesses. Enjoy!

Bommer Canyon

I think it has a very similar resemblence...

Bommer Canyon


Today, I went to Bommer Canyon to volunteer by plucking those nasty weeds out of the ground. We got there at 8:40 AM, and there was no one there. From what you can see in this picture, it looks kinda like the old Windows desktop picture. At least thats what I think...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Close-Up Shots

Fruit Edition

So today was a boring day for me. I was stuck home because outside, it was raining like crazy, and my grandma didn't want to get wet from the rain. At my grandma's casa, she always has fresh fruit; ranging from apples to oranges and from kiwis to mangos. But one fruit she alway has, are lemons because she has her own organic lemon tree outside her house. Today, she had succulent oranges, ruby red strawbberries, and the usual; lemons. All of a sudden, I had the crazy idea to take close up shots of these well know fruits. I wanted to show a new perspective of these fruits and show a different side to them. Hope you enjoy! more close-up shots to come!!!
"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up."

-Paul Valery 

Baby Halibut!!!

In California, the minumum size in order for us to keep a halibut is 22inches, but this one was abot 3inches. We released it.


I'm On a Boat!!!

Chillin on a Boat
(Balboa Beach)
Today, I went fishing on a boat named "Sea Fox". It is a 23 foot beauty vessel and I hasda terrific time on it. In this pic, I was sitting on the anchor box, which holds the anchor. On this fishing adventure, we caught over 60 mackerals, and saw numerous seals and dolphins swim by. 

Best Burger in the WORLD!!!


The One and Only: In-N-Out Burger

Introducing......the one and only In-N-Out burger! As far as I can remember, I've been eating these mouth-watering burgers since I was a baby. These are seriously, THE FRIKIN BEST BURGERS EVER! After eating at In-N-Out since an infant, I can not look at hamburgers the same way because In-N-Out has set the bar higher than any other fast food restaurant. I dedicate this post to In-N-Out. Since In-N-Out is only in the West Coast of the United States in California, come check out California and grab yourself an In-N-Out burger while your here!!!

Newport Beach

Spring Break: Day 1

Today, for my birthday, I took a stroll on one of the piers at Newport Beach in California. I took this picture off the pier. Newport is my favorite beach because the shorelines are so nice and clean, and the water does not look contaminated with stalks of seaweed. If you have the chance, you should really come check out this amazing beach and get yourself a tan!